How to Get Started with Video Marketing

The idea of video marketing can sound super fun and exciting, but why do so many businesses never get started? This is what we’ve seen and how we get our clients out of overwhelm so they can get it done.

When businesses and nonprofits talk about getting into video marketing, what seems to happen is they start thinking of ALL the ways they could use video — a video on each page of their website, different videos highlighting all of their programs, testimonials, an overview video, all the things they can put in their overview video…

The ideas pour out, but in the end nothing gets done.

Now we understand the desire to have everything mapped out from the start, but the fact is that unless you have someone on your team dedicated to following through with this master plan, this is going to end up on the bottom of the long list of things you need to do, and so, it never gets done.

Listen to this episode to hear what we’ve done with our clients, and what we suggest you do now…

Episode Topics

  • The Problem
  • Pick One Thing
  • Equipment
  • Content
  • Scheduling
  • KISS

Ready to get started with your video marketing today? Download our free resource “How to Shoot Better Video with Your Phone” for some tips to capture better quality video with your smartphone!

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