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Form Connections

Text and photos are great, but they aren’t as effective as video when it comes to letting your audience feel like they know you.

Have you heard the principle that consumers buy from entities they know, like and trust? I’m not sure who came up with it, but it’s ubiquitous in the world of marketing.

There are some who don’t agree and think it’s a waste of time, but from personal experience, I’m a believer. I definitely buy from entities that I don’t know anything about, but I’m waaaaayyyyy more loyal and more likely to be a repeat customer if I feel like I know, like and trust a business.

Especially today, with everything being online where it’s so easy to find reviews and research people on social media, I think people are way more thoughtful about who they give their money to.

So, how do you — as an entrepreneur or nonprofit — help people feel like they know, like and trust you?

We’re definitely biased here, but we feel like video is 1000% the best way. A photo can be posed, re-shot over and over, photoshopped. A caption can be written by someone who doesn’t even have anything to do with that business. But unless the business can afford to hire professional actors, it’s hard to fake sincerity in a video.

When I’m watching a video that shows staff, leadership or happy customers, I start to feel like I know that organization. I get a sense of their heart, their intentions, the impact they want to have in the world. And I give more weight to it because I know it’s hard to fake all that in a video.

So we invite you to put your heart on your sleeve and give your ideal customers the opportunity to know, like and trust you 💕