Develop Your Brand Identity || How to Make All Your Stuff LOOK Like You

Small business owners often skip the step of developing a brand identity. We’ve worked with so many small businesses whose “logo” was their business name in a default font.

But if you spend some time on it, your brand identity can be the missing piece that elevates your company above all the other businesses in your niche. It can be THE THING that catches the eye of your ideal customer and nudges them to want to learn more.

While there are branding consultants who can work with you to outline your ideal client avatars, design a beautiful, meaningful logo and develop a full style guide, if you’re not at that level yet, building a brand identity is something you can easily do on your own with free tools available online.

That’s what we’ve been doing for our various brands, and we get a lot of positive feedback specifically about our branding. And our branding seems to attract our ideal community and repel those we wouldn’t be a good fit for.

Episode Topics: “Develop a Brand Identity for Your Small Business”

  • Brand Personality vs Brand Identity
  • Why have a consistent brand identity
  • How to choose a color palette
  • Finding the HEX codes for your logo
  • Using color palette generators
  • Font parings for your branding
  • Graphic design elements