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Be More Visible

Take advantage of the good algorithm juju that social media and SEO give to video.

The facebook algorithm has been known to favor video for years*. Instagram is also making a push for video, and we’re now hearing that Pinterest is also trying to nudge their users to upload more video as well.

This makes sense because social platforms want people to spend as much time on their sites as possible, and videos — even short ones — can capture a user’s attention for much longer than the normal scroll through images.

On top of social platform juju, google also bestows good SEO juju on videos. You’ll notice when you do a google search, many times there’s a whole section for videos towards the top of page 1 of the search results.

Algorithms are constantly changing fickle beasts, but given how long this trend towards video has lasted (at least since 2016 when we first started paying attention to this stuff), it’s a pretty safe bet to assume the trend will continue.

What does this mean for you?

Just because someone follows your social media account, it doesn’t mean they see what you post. The algorithms are constantly judging what you post against how many of your followers engage with your posts. Engagement includes how long a user lingers on your post before scrolling by.

So because the algorithms favor video, it’s more likely that when you post a video on your social media account, the platform will show that video to more of your followers. Then, if your followers pause on your video to watch a few seconds, and hopefully drop a heart and even leave a comment, the algorithm will show it to more of the people who already follow your account.

More engagement with your video posts could make the algorithm think your account is super awesome, which might help you get more organic reach for all of your posts. Win-win-win 😁

* This applies to video uploaded directly to facebook or live streamed to facebook; it doesn’t apply to links to videos on other sites such as youtube.